
The jewelry boxes history of invention

  • 1912
  • Jimmy at
  • August 30, 2017

It is intended that the box of the present invention shall provide a permanent souvenir and attractive holder for use in the home, as by a bride.


With the foregoing object in view, and others which may hereinafter more fully appear the invention consists of the novel construction, combination and arrangement of parts, but it will be understood that changes, variations and modifications may be resorted to which fall within the scope of the invention, as claimed.


In the drawings: Figure 1 is a top plan view of a jewelry box constructed according to an embodiment of this invention showing the box in open position.

Figure 2 is a detail front elevation of the device.

Figure 3 is a fragmentary sectional view of the ring clamping structure.

Figure 4 is a transverse section, partly in front elevation, of the rear portion of the ring supporting member.

Figure 5 is a perspective view of the box in closed position.

Figure 6 is a view, similar to Figure 3, showing the ring supporting means mounted on the base.

Figure 7 is a view, similar to Figure 6, showing a modified form of. securing the ring support on the base.

Figure 8 is a perspective view of the ring supporting member removed from the housing.

Figure 9 is a perspective view of the box in open position.

Technical Support: Magic Lamp