

  • 1926
  • Jimmy at
  • August 30, 2017

Pretty decorative boxes are one of my favorite things to have around the house (usually in little groupings with other candles or figurine type things). A lot of the time though, I love a box or container, but I’m not sure what to actually store in it! It occurred to me that most decorative boxes are actually the perfect size to be a jewelry box, and with a few quick tweaks, they can be really useful around the house as well as pretty!
-decorative box with lid (I used this one, but this one would be great too.)
-1/4 yard velvet fabric (this is a good pink option)
-straight pins and sewing machine
-hot glue gun or fabric glue
–cotton batting
–fabric scissors
–cutting mat, rotary cutter, and ruler


First you’ll want to double over your batting and cut a piece that’s as wide as your box and long enough to make a 1″ thick roll when all rolled up. If you make them about 1″ wide, then you can know how many you need to make to fill your box (a 5″ wide box would need 5 rolls, etc.).

Cut and roll all your pieces and pin in place for now.

Use a cloth measuring tape to measure the circumference of your batting rolls and add 1/2″ to your measurement (this will give you a 1/4″ seam allowance when you sew it later). Cut your velvet fabric into a rectangle that’s 1″ longer than the length of your batting roll and as wide as the circumference width found in the first step above.

Fold your fabric lengthwise (right sides facing each other) and pin in place. Sew down the open side with 1/4″ seam allowance and turn your velvet tube right side out.


Stuff your cotton batting into the tube (don’t forget to take that pin out!), and repeat the sewing and stuffing process for each batting roll.
To close the ends, put a dollop of hot glue (or quick dry fabric glue) directly onto the middle of the batting end inside the velvet tube and fold the bottom of the velvet up into the glue. Add more glue to fold in the sides one at a time, and then use a final drop of glue to fold the top flap down in place. Repeat process on the other side of the tube, and then with each additional tube.


Place your velvet tubes snugly into your box, and you just created a new jewelry box!
Not gonna lie, I love that marble, pink, and gold combo together, but of course you can do whatever box or color velvet you like! I have a lot of dainty gold stacking rings, so I have to keep ring dishes and boxes all over the house or they get lost really fast! As you can see, it’s pretty easy to make your own jewelry holder with whatever box you happen to love, and if you vary the size of the batting rolls, then you can have more or less rows to add your jewelry into. Hope this DIY is just what you need to keep your space useful and pretty! 

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