
My Jewel Box Five Ring Additions to Round Out 2017

  • 2038
  • Jimmy at
  • August 30, 2017

I was giving myself a good chuckle yesterday because I've gotten a few comments from people asking why I stopped my YouTube videos--especially my main series Gem Gossip Read & Wear. The point of the series was to try to keep in tact a New Year's Resolution I made last year--which was to only buy one ring per month, and also read one jewelry book per month. As with most resolutions, I started out strong--almost too strong. I knew my demise was near. Sure enough, I couldn't keep up and bought way too many rings. Also my sister who edits and creates all the video content was having health difficulties, so that contributed to my sudden drop off from YouTube as well. Hopefully I'll be back with something new and exciting, so stay tuned.


As the year came to a close (nearly 20 days ago, are you kidding me?!) I kind of went over board with the additions to my collection. So much so that I haven't been keeping up with the My Jewel Box posts--so I'm compiling a bunch of my acquisitions into this one post! Five rings, to be exact--all acquired in November/December. Wanted to share the stories behind and details for those interested--BECAUSE I LOVE READING STUFF LIKE THAT。

This beauty was my Christmas gift from my husband this year--yes, another antique elongated diamond ring. "Don't you have enough of those kinds of rings?!" Umm, no. I seriously cannot get enough of this style--something about it. This particular ring was found at auction from Hampton Estate Auction. It's platinum and set with Old European cut diamonds, a 1920s piece through and through. Most of my other elongated rings are from earlier than that--so this was fun to add to the collection. 


For some reason this opal cluster ring caught my attention like no other! Some might not think it is anything special...10k gold...a few simple opals in a cluster design, nothing groundbreaking. But the glow in these opals, I mean, you can't put a price on something like this! Well, actually you can...and then I'll buy it. I found this baby at Nashville's first ever Big Flea. It was from a booth that had LOTS of items and I spent quite some time looking. When I saw it my heart obviously did that flutter thing--and of course, the lady in charge of the booth was busy with other people--so for a good while I stood there pale as ever, thinking someone would swoop in and grab it lol. 

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