

  • 1786
  • Jimmy at
  • August 30, 2017

You are on a little getaway and going to dinner with your sweetie which calls for one of the few times in the year that you change out your everyday earrings for some fancier ones.  So you take your perfect everyday earrings and put them in the little zipper pouch on the inside of your purse so that you don’t lose them. But weeks later after searching high and low, panicking a bit, and thinking you might be going crazy cause they aren’t there, you realize that they indeed fell into the lining of your purse somehow and you vow to take better care next time.

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Sound familiar?  I have the perfect spot for my jewelry at home, but when I’m traveling or at the gym, I end up tossing my jewelry in my bag, and it’s never good.  I’m not a big jewelry person, so the jewelry I do have is nice stuff!  And it deserves better.

So I came up with a solution.  I can toss these stitched felt jewelry pouches into my bag or purse so when I do need a place to put my jewelry I have a nice safe (and soft) place for them to go.  No more hunting.  No more panic attacks over lost diamond earrings.

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You’ll need…

A piece of felt (slightly stiff if possible, but not too stiff.)


A way to measure your felt and a pen to mark it with. (I use a vanishing ink fabric pen.)

A way to cut your felt.  I use my cutting mat and rotary cutter for a perfectly clean line, but you could use scissors.

A sewing machine.


Note:  I picked up this dark grey felt at the craft store.  It was not stiff at all so I stiffened it myself using fabric stiffener and water.  I didn’t want it to be very stiff so I used about 1 part stiffener to 4 parts water.  I mixed it in a cake pan and laid my felt in until it was soaked and then squeezed it out.  Then I laid it flat to dry overnight.

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