
Innovative jewelry box packaging strategy

  • 1676
  • Jimmy at
  • November 13, 2017

When the quality of the jewelry box packaging is not known, consumers often determine whether or not to buy the jewelry box packaging. As the old saying goes, "sell a piece of leather" is what it is. In view of the different motivations of consumers, our jewelry box packaging design also needs to be different, which will stimulate consumers' purchasing desire.
The series of jewelry box packaging strategy refers to the uniform packaging of the same product, while in the shape or decoration of a slightly different form of packaging. Put the single packing together, forming a series of packaging, packaging family like a team strong, arouse the consumers for goods with thick connotation and perception of enterprise culture, can give customers a deeper impression, make commodity image thorough popular feeling.

Combination jewelry box packaging strategy is to point to the same category, different kinds of goods are combined into a package, let customers buy a combination of packaging at the same time, can taste or use to the different varieties of goods, this generally applies to low cost, low added value, small packaging, faster moving small commodities.

Unlike combination jewelry box packaging, joint and several kinds of packaging though is the different combinations of goods into one package, but between them is not necessarily the same kind of goods, but on the consumption and use have send connection between goods, this kind of packing can have the purpose of the convenience of our customers purchase and use. "A horse can afford a saddle" means that a customer can buy a major commodity, a subsidiary that is consumed and associated with it. As a result, the merchants have integrated the related jewelry into a package, which can enhance the convenience and considerate service of customers, and also cultivate new economic growth points, and improve the efficiency space. For example, you can design leather shoes, shoe polish and shoe brushes for the same packaging.
In recent years, as people living standard unceasing enhancement, nervous rhythm of life, work pressure big, some developed countries and regions, consumers generally produce a kind of life emotional appeal restoring ancient ways, nostalgia, the manual products, natural flavors, natural environmental goods have certain psychological tendency, jewelry emotion derived packaging in the background. This kind of more use adornment is coarse and simple, use material natural, as if be a time old commodity, let a person feel history, capture recollection, fill mental space.

Export jewelry box packaging design, in addition to meet the needs of the commodity itself, but also import country's politics, economy, culture, religion, folk taboo, the different characteristics of consumer preferences, etc. As the packaging designer, only the knowledge and knowledge of these can be used to make the goods sold in the country, and be welcomed and accepted by consumers.

Jewelry box packaging design to the market demand as the guidance, to consumer aesthetic as the center, with beautiful and suitable for the purpose, in the innovative design as the means, with The Times, in line with international standards, enhance product added value and maximize benefits.

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