
The displayed jewelry box

  • 2124
  • Jimmy at
  • August 29, 2017

In the closed position of the box the holder is snugly embraced by the link parts which have been folded thereupon, as shown in Fig.Likewise, the parts lie folded substantially against the anchoring parts . Upon opening the cover the linkage connecting the part to the body and cover of the box tends to straighten and during such movement the holder carrying part is projected forwardly away from the box hinge  practically to that position depicted in Fig.


By reason of this forward projection of the displayed article it is unnecessary to open the box to an extent which might break or weaken the box hinge in order to fully view the displayed article since the latter is moved to a position in which it is well displayed for viewing.


The link parts are preferably of a width substantially equal to the width of the box so that when the box is opened such parts will constitute the exposed inner surfaces of the cover and body of the box and because of this it is preferred to ornament or finish such parts to effect a pleasing interior. This may be accomplished by covering the stock from which the parts are made with satin or other finishing material. The result will be that when the box is opened the displayed article will be supported by the plush covered holder  which in turn is backed by the ornamented converging walls, formed by the parts , to more effectively set off the displayed jewelry.


Technical Support: Magic Lamp