
Why you need to clean out and makeover your paper jewelry box!

  • 1354
  • Jimmy at
  • September 01, 2017

Spring is here, put off cleaning the refrigerator, basement, or junk drawer…. Your jewelry box is the place to start. Why?



You will wear your jewelry more when you can find the right piece to accessorize your outfit quickly. 

Reduce wear, tear and damage keeping you looking you best. 

Eliminate tarnished favorites, including Pandora. 

Find buried treasures. 


A few simple steps…

Keep your jewelry in a clean, dry place… the best option is a jewelry box with lots of fabric lined compartments. Alternatively it can be stored in small boxes; wrapping in tissue paper is a great way to prevent tangling. -Time to upgrade your jewelry box? Ask us about beautiful wood boxes with lots of plush lined compartments. 


Keep your everyday items separate…Do you have a few special pieces that you never leave the house without, or take off just before bed? Keep a small trinket box or dish by your bedside to keep these items close and accessible. 


Make all your jewelry accessible… You are going to love your jewelry more when you can find it and wear it. Take advantage of necklace trees, organizers and earring racks to accessorize your outfit in seconds. Keep all your jewelry, costume or not, in plain sight. Don’t let your favorites be forgotten in the bottom of the box. 


Sell or remount your unwanted and broken jewelry… Pull out damaged cuffs, orphaned earrings, and questionable pieces that you no longer like.  Bring them to a consignment store, have them re-purposed by our goldsmith into something you love, or trade them up to an item on your wish list. 


Stop Pandora and other silver from tarnishing while stored….. Airborne sulfur can tarnish your silver during storage. We recommend placing your silver jewelry in a zip type bag with a single silver protection strip. The strip attracts airborne particles before they turn into tarnish. By removing most of the air, you should get several uses out of a single strip.


Visit any of our stores to pick up your silver protection strips. Follow these simple tips, and be assured in enjoying your jewelry for years to come.

Technical Support: Magic Lamp