
What does good jewelry packaging need?

  • 1939
  • Jimmy at
  • November 08, 2017

On the packaging, a well-designed and well-made package is a silent salesman. With the rising of living standards, the pursuit of class, personalized packaging will directly influence on the consumer choice, jewelry packaging protection, information goods in addition to the basic function, can also improve product grade and added value, for consumers. A good jewelry package requires several key points:

Perfect grey cardboard jewelry box

Arouse customers' desire to buy

The design of jewelry package should look beautiful and generous, artistic sense, time sense, artistic value high jewelry package more easily attract consumer eyeball, bring beauty to the person.

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Satisfy aesthetic demand

The packaging of the goods is matched with personalized custom packaging, which can give people spiritual satisfaction. If a fine piece of jewelry is matched with a rough package, the expensive things will become commonplace in the market, so the beauty of the package is important.

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Publicity function

Excellent jewelry packaging must be able to attract the line of sight of the consumers, deepen customer impression of commodity and reach a certain brand publicity, through the packaging received enables customers to the brand's message.

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