
Making a Jewelry Box

  • 2188
  • Jimmy at
  • August 30, 2017

A woman's jewelry is often her most prized possession, but sometimes storing the pieces becomes a problem as her collection grows over time. Here is the way to make your own jewelry box to keep your precious items safe. They also make a cute, personalized gift!



Make the frame of the jewelry box out of foam board. Take a piece of foam board (cut to 20 cm by 20 cm) and use a ruler to draw a square inside that is 4 cm from the edge all the way around. To do this, measure 4 cm on one end of the foam board (and make a mark at this point) and do the same on the other. Draw a line connecting the two marks. Then, repeat this step for the other three sides of the foam board.



Cut off the corners of the foam board. The intersections of the lines that you drew in the previous step will make square shapes in all four corners of the foam board square. Cut out the squares in each corner using an X-Acto knife.



Cut the board to make the jewelry box frame. On the line that you drew to make the smaller square in the center of the foam board, use an X-Acto knife to make shallow cuts along the lines. You will make four shallow cut lines in the foam board. Be careful not to cut all the way through the board.



Make the cube shape of the jewelry box. Fold each side of the foam board along the lines of the shallow cuts. This will make a cube shape (excluding the top section of the "cube").

·     Use masking tape to secure the sides of the cube together so that the foam board holds its shape.




Glue the fabric to the box. For this step, you'll need a piece of fabric (any design that you choose) that measures 24 cm by 24 cm. Lay the fabric down (pattern down) and put the cube that you've made on top of it.

·    You should place the cube so that the points of the fabric line up with the flat sides of the cube.

·    Use fabric glue to adhere the fabric to the cube. You'll put the glue on the triangle of the fabric and pull it over the edge of the jewelry box cube. Do this for all four sides.



Make the bottom of the jewelry box. Take a piece of cardstock and cut out a 10 cm by 10 cm square.

·     Use fabric glue to adhere it to the bottom of the jewelry box.

·     You can choose whatever color of cardstock you like. But remember that it will be the visible bottom of the jewelry box, so make sure it is a color/design that you are comfortable with showing.



Make the top of the jewelry box. Cut out a piece of foam board in a square that measures 11 cm by 11 cm. Glue an identical piece of foam (that also measures 11 cm by 11 cm) to the foam board.

·     Take a piece of fabric that measures 15 cm by 15 cm and attach it to the top that you've made just as you attached the fabric to the cube, by pulling the triangle of the fabric down over the square of the foam board. Line the points of the triangle up with the flat sides of the foam board and glue it to the foam board.

·     Again, you can choose any design of fabric that you want. Just make sure that it either matches or complements the pattern you used for the jewelry box base.


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Attach the top to the base of the jewelry box. Cut a piece of matching fabric that measures 4 cm by 10 cm. Glue the piece of fabric longways to the base, only gluing the bottom half of it on the base. Then glue the top half of the fabric strip to the top.



Decorate the box to your taste. You can leave the jewelry box as is, or add some decorative ribbon around the outside to add an extra design element.

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