
Make Pet Hammock with pouch

  • 2140
  • Jimmy at
  • August 29, 2017

Place the Hanging Loops on the Main Piece of the Pet Hammock Lay the completely stitched together (and right sides out) hammock on your work surface. If you have two different colors or patterns, the side facing up will eventually become the outside of the finished hammock.

Feed the strips for the hanging loops through your clips. Lay the hanging loops on the hammock as shown in the photo (the loops and clips should be towards the inside while the loose ends are hanging over the edge of the hammock). The hammock should be roughly divided into thirds in your mind if the loops are positioned correctly but don't worry about their exact placement (you can fiddle with the placement of the hanging loops later on).

Fold One Side of the Hammock Over the Hanging Loops Fold one side of the hammock over one set of hanging loops.
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Fold the Second Side over the Other Hanging Loops Fold the second side over the second set of hanging loops so that the folded in parts overlap a bit.
Tip: A one to two inch overlap (as shown in the photo) will make an "easy access" pouch while a greater overlap will make a more enclosed pouch.

Stitch Along Two Sides of the Pet Hammock Stitch along both sides of the hammock (shown by the yellow line), across the folds. For a little added strength, back stitch well at each end and over the hanging loops.

Grasp the Opening of the Pouch to Turn the Hammock Right Side Out Grasp the opening of the pouch to open the hammock and turn the whole thing right side out.
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The Final Product: A Homemade Pet Hammock with a Pouch Voila! An easy homemade pet hammock with a cozy pouch.

Tip: For pets that don't do hammocks but like sleeping pouches (like hedgehogs and guinea pigs or even rats and ferrets that prefer solid ground), you could simply skip the hanging loops and make a pouch that sits on the ground.

Technical Support: Magic Lamp