
Look at the jewelry necklace

  • 1549
  • Jimmy at
  • August 31, 2017

1. [gold]

1, the first gold in jewelry box or suede alone, and want to get into the habit of wearing after don't literally throw put together and other jewelry, in case of scratch each other.

2, place the valuable jewelry in a safe place to buy enough insurance. If you are not understanding your jewelry value, please bring a local jeweler to estimate.

3, regular cleaning for gold jewelry. This ensures that adorn article presents the best gloss and more enduring. Cleaning method of gold and other precious ornaments; Use selling jewelry cleaners on the market, or will it dipped in soap and water in the solution, then gently wipe with a soft cloth.

4, for the gems that gold alum, need clean once every six months. By qualified jeweler to adjust act the role ofing is tasted, size correction, polishing and cleaning. In order to do professional maintenance for your gold, first of all make sure that the jeweler has trained fitter.

5, if there is a visible scratches, please send gold to qualified Jewel to burnish, all precious metals may leave scratches, gold is no exception. But gold surface can appear the natural oxide layer, so a lot of people may prefer just polished surface. If this happens, please carry your platinum jewelry to qualified jeweler, let them finish again for it, have extremely light effect.


2[white gold]

The first method:

From photographic equipment store to buy a pack of developer, after coming home with clean glassware against a kilogram of water, stir well, put the jewelry soak in, in about 5-10 minutes, rinse off with clear water, reoccupy does cloth is wiped can be bright.

The second way to

2 grams of fine salt and 7 grams of baking soda and 8 grams of bleaching powder, 60 ml water, stir to mix well after put in jewelry, immerse 2 hours or so, the same reoccupy clear water is rinsed clean, dry cloth or bright.


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