
Is Your Jewelry Box the Right Size?

  • 1933
  • Jimmy at
  • August 29, 2017

Right-Size Your Jewelry Box

Now that your jewelry collection is appropriately sized, make sure your jewelry box--or whatever you use to store jewelry--is appropriately sized and convenient for you, too. If you spend more than 3-4 minutes finding and untangling a piece of jewelry to wear, your jewelry storage situation is insufficient and needs to be looked at.


There are several solutions to this problem.

Your first thought is probably of the pricey, multi-drawered pieces of (typically) dark old-fashioned wood that are ever-popular and timeless. These pieces are to be displayed and loved and also handed down to the next generation when the time is right. However, the high price tags on these intricately crafted pieces of furniture may turn you away, and your décor or space may be inappropriate for those you find. Luckily, there are alternatives.
One woman I know stores her small jewelry collection in her closet on a hanger in a clear-fronted, white-backed hanging storage organizer designed for frequent travelers. It's just the perfect size for her collection because she can clearly see everything at once and she never worries about tangles because every piece has its own zippered compartment.

I make, collect, and sell jewelry as a hobby, so I have a very large collection, most of which I wear regularly. I decided that the best choice for me, to end morning frustrations with tangled masses of chains, was to buy several professional jewelry sales cases with lots of drawers, optional inserts to divide the drawers, and customizeable labels for each drawer. They aren't attractive, they're made of pressed cardboard, and they aren't practical for some people. But, with their functional nature and their approximately $50 price tag, compared with several multi-hundred-dollar jewelry armoires that I'd have to work into my décor instead, they fit the bill for me and live on a shelf in my walk-in closet. You can see that there are all kinds of price ranges even within the jewelry making and selling industries, and I encourage you to check out several such sites before making your decision (even the "cheap" ones are pricey if you have a lot of jewelry).


Don't forget--truly expensive or irreplaceable jewelry should, whenever you're not wearing it, be stored in a safe, either a well-hidden home safe or a bank's safety deposit box. If you have a home safe, make sure that it can't easily be found or simply hauled away. (Safes with rollers are often just rolled up a ramp into the thief's truck.)
Rotate Your Collection
If you have a lot of jewelry and wear a lot of it, consider rotating pieces in and out of your main jewelry box. By that, I mean to pick a set of day-to-day jewelry that is complete and compliments the other pieces in the collection. Use that selection of jewelry for several weeks or months out of your main jewelry box, then when you're tired of that set of jewelry go back to the full set and pick out another complimentary set of jewelry from which to choose on a day-to-day basis. It will save you lots of time getting dressed, you know your jewelry all matches, and you know that your other favorite pieces are still available for future use in a day-to-day collection of jewelry.

Note: For special occasions, by all means: raid your entire collection of jewelry until you get the perfectly matching set you're looking for. Keep in mind this will take time when getting dressed and ready, however. Ideally, plan your outfit--including jewelry--a day in advance for special occasions.

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