
Jewelry paper bag factory tells you the secret of nylon.

  • 2077
  • Jimmy at
  • May 29, 2018

With the development of various handbag industries, various paper bag manufacturers not only have strict requirements for the material quality of the bag body, but also gradually extend to the handbag rope. Many jewelry paper bag factory have put a lot of effort into hand ropes, but what are the usual options for hand ropes? Generally speaking, there are paper rope, cotton rope, flat rope, nylon rope, and braided rope of various materials. Today, BoYang Packaging Jewelry Paper bag Factory introduced nylon is the relevant knowledge, so that you know more about nylon rope. 

Jewelry paper bag factory

Jewelry paper bag factory nylon rope operation guide. 

The jewelry paper bag factory also has the certain standard to the nylon rope this kind of material use, the nylon braid rope is certainly the superior product, but is the use operation must grasp the degree, this article actually said the degree is the nylon braid rope suitable category. Jewelry paper bag factories know that nylon braided rope is not due to strong toughness and hardness and nylon rope to be used in a variety of fields. Because jewelry bag makers know that nylon braided ropes, if boiled at high temperatures, can give rise to unhealthy and toxic substances or gases, such as dimethane like toxins. If you wrap food with nylon rope, the toxin will be released and then seeped into the water and food. If a person eats these contaminated food, the mild symptoms will be nausea and stomach discomfort, and if serious, there will be dizziness and vomiting.Abdominal pain and diarrhea can lead to symptoms of collapse.Therefore jewelry paper bag factory advised not to use nylon rope bandaging any food to warm up. 
Jewelry paper bag factory
Jewelry paper bag factory nylon rope operation guide. 

Jewelry paper bag factories maintain nylon ropes in part by damaging rope operations: do not expose them to the sun for long periods of time (hot, acid corroded). (alkali petals, long strapped to and fro in the trunk of a car.). Jewelry paper bag factory to nylon rope cleaning: PH 0 or so of water or special washing water, rinse finished flat spread on the ground to dry, jewelry paper bag factory to remind not to insolate; use the process to try to avoid too much hard object collision

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